February 3, 2022
Meet New England’s Winter Olympians
When the best athletes in the world take the stage in Beijing for the Olympics, New England will be represented.
When the best athletes in the world take the stage in Beijing for the Olympics, New England will be represented.
New Hampshire Public Radio | By Sarah Gibson When Jessica Potter, the principal at Center Woods Elementary in Weare, planned for COVID-related absences this year, she and her staff booked every available substitute teacher months in advance. But last week, the school had twice as many staff absences as available substitute teachers. So, Potter shifted […]
Concord Monitor | By Teddy Rosenbluth The number of new COVID-19 infections appears to be on the decline in New Hampshire. Still, the state is far from a pandemic respite. New Hampshire, like many states, is in the throes of the worst COVID-19 surge to date. At this wave’s peak about two weeks ago, new […]
New Hampshire Union Leader | By Josie Albertson-Grove Nurses, doctors and other hospital staffers out quarantining, isolating or caring for sick family members are placing even more stress on New Hampshire’s hospital system, even though COVID-19 hospitalizations may be beginning to plateau. Hospitals have been full since early December. Staff members have been stressed, dealing […]
Concord Monitor – The Laconia Daily Sun | By Jon Decker LACONIA — Four members of the New Hampshire National Guard arrived at Concord Hospital in Laconia on Wednesday. Their mission: to assist the hospital in a variety of roles. An influx of COVID patients, burnout, and staffing shortages in almost every sector has forced […]
In mid-December, Rory Batdorf-Dwyer tested positive for COVID-19.
Granite Staters looking to get their COVID-19 vaccine booster shot were able to register for the state’s “Booster Blitz” initiative beginning Wednesday morning.
Granite Staters looking to get their COVID-19 vaccine booster shot were able to register for the state’s “Booster Blitz” initiative beginning Wednesday morning.
Granite Staters looking to get their COVID-19 vaccine booster shot were able to register for the state’s “Booster Blitz” initiative beginning Wednesday morning.
Granite Staters looking to get their COVID-19 vaccine booster shot were able to register for the state’s “Booster Blitz” initiative beginning Wednesday morning.